Eric started his scuba adventure in 1996, becoming a travel diver for many years. After retiring from the USAF, he moved to Hawaii to work for the Army and started the PADI Instructor Development program In 2018. The program required 22 hours a week for nearly 7 months of fun! It included diving the waters off Oahu and working with a local dive shop.
From Boat dives, deep dives, wreck dives to shore based eco-dives Hawaii was a once in a life time experience living the best-scuba life possible. Once Eric Completed the IDC and IDE in Early 2019, The government moved him to Austin to help stand up a new organization and while leaving Hawaii was difficult, since his family lives in Texas coming home was the best decision.
Eric is a Master SCUBA Diver Trainer and proud to join Scubaland Adventures continuing his scuba adventure as well as helping others find theirs.