Proudly Serving Central Texas Since 1988
We offer a full range of recreational, professional, and technical diving courses all year long!

PADI Advanced Open Water Course

PADI eLearning

Purchase a 2024 Advanced or Rescue Course

and Get 15% Off Nitrox Course

Must purchase materials for both courses

Offer Valid Through October 31st

PADI eLearning

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PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Exploration, Excitement, Experiences. 

They are what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about. And no, you don't have to be "advanced" to take it - it's designed so you can go straight into it after the PADI Open Water Course. The Advanced Open Water Diver course helps you increase your confidence and build your scuba skills so you can become more comfortable in the water. You will complete the following adventure dives: Peak Performance Buoyancy, Navigation, Night, Deep and Wreck.

Take advantage of our private class option to design your own schedule and receive one on one instruction!

After purchasing this course, bring your receipt with you to the store to receive your 10% discount on the purchase of your lights, slate and knife. Don't forget to pick up your course materials before class! There are 5 chapter reviews to complete before class and we will also have you look over the PADI Medical form.

  • Prerequisites
    • Open Water Diver certification
    • Minimum age: 15 (12 for Junior Divers)
    • Complete a medical statement
  • Price Includes
    • Adventures in Diving course fee
    • Advanced certification card
    • 3 air tank rental
    • Weights
  • Price Excludes

    Dive site entry

    Snorkel gear (mask, snorkel, fins and boots)

    Primary, back up and tank marker  lights, slate, and knife/cutting tool 

    • All SCUBA equipment (BCD, regulator, tanks, wetsuit, computer)
    • Tank fills at Windy Point
    • All equipment purchases receive a 10% discount
  • Course Materials

    The PADI Adventures in Diving manual or AOW Crewpack is required for this course.

    PADI eLearning is also available.

    Contact the store for current pricing and availability.

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Manual

  • Open Water Diver certification
  • Minimum age: 15 (12 for Junior Divers)
  • Complete a medical questionnaire

  • PADI eLearning materials
  • Adventures in Diving course fee
  • Digital Advanced Open Water certification card
  • 3 air tank rental
  • Weights

  • Dive site entry
  • Snorkel gear (mask, snorkel, fins and dive boots)
  • All SCUBA equipment (BCD, regulator, tanks, wetsuit, computer)
  • All specialty equipment such as primary, back up and tank marker lights, slate, and knife/cutting tool 
  • Tank fills at Windy Point
  • Note: All equipment purchases receive a 10% discount.

PADI eLearning incorporates video and animation to provide a multimedia experience.  The app does not expire and updates are free for life.  You can start your SCUBA training as soon as we send you your digital authorization code.  

Not sure about your schedule but you want to sign up for a class? Scroll to the bottom of the course listing and select the course marked "UNSCHEDULED." We will enroll you in an unscheduled class and you can contact us when your ready to choose your dates. We'll then move you into the class you chose. You can ignore the dates that appear on the unscheduled class listing.

Why do I need an advanced certification?

The PADI Adventures in Diving course is your first next step towards being able to fully enjoy the fun and adventure of SCUBA diving.  During your Open Water Diver course you learned the mechanics of diving.  You learned how to put your gear together, you learned the basic SCUBA skills, you learned how to breathe and kick, and you learned a little bit about controlling your buoyancy.

Now it's time to learn how to dive!  We've selected a group of adventure dives that represent common diving experiences. Regardless of where in the world you go to dive you may have the opportunity to do these dives.  Don't miss out!  Learn how to conduct these dives safely and how to maximize the fun and excitement!

May dive operators around the world are now requiring advanced certifications to go to the best dive sites.  Some of these sites offer more challenging conditions and some of them are just so packed full of delicate life that operators won't take divers with poor buoyancy skills to these sites.  Don't miss out on the best diving your destination has to offer because you don't have an advanced certification!

Standard course dives

Peak Performance Buoyancy

Peak Performance Buoyancy

Buoyancy skills separate the good divers from the great divers. In the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course, you will learn to how to precisely weight yourself...
Peak Performance Buoyancy

Underwater Navigation

Underwater navigation can be challenging, but in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course, you master the challenge...
Peak Performance Buoyancy

Night Diver

The adventure, thrill and excitement of night diving can be yours when you complete your PADI Night Diver Specialty course...
Peak Performance Buoyancy

Deep Diver

The Deep Diver Specialty course offers you the opportunity of a lifetime - going deep to see things others can only dream about...
Peak Performance Buoyancy

Search and Recovery Diver

Have you ever dropped something in the water? Are you looking for lost “treasure”? The PADI Search and Recovery Diver Specialty course...
Peak Performance Buoyancy

Wreck Diver

Whether sunk intentionally or tragically, whether a sunken ship, a plane or an automobile, the call of wrecks is nearly irresistible to divers...

How Advanced is Advanced?

The PADI Advanced Diver Certification is obtained by taking the PADI Adventures in Diving course, often times called the Advanced Course. The names are a little confusing and could lead someone to believe that they need to already be an advanced diver or have significant dive experience.

The Advanced Diver Certification can become a barrier to diver continuing education. Most PADI Specialty courses do not require an Advanced Diver certification.  As a matter of fact, if you complete 5 PADI Specialty courses you will have earned your PADI Advanced Diver certification without having taken the Advanced Course!

Most PADI Specialty Courses can be taken immediately following your Open Water Diver certification course.  Some of them can even be integrated into an Open Water Diver certification course!

PADI Specialty Courses

The Adventures in Diving course results in the Advanced Open Water Diver certification. We will introduce you to five different kinds of diving by conducting the first dive of five different PADI specialty courses. If any of those dives leaves you wanting more, then we can complete the specialty for that type of diving. 

Many people want to know more about deep diving and underwater navigation!  If you complete five specialty classes and your Rescue Diver course you will be recognized as a Master SCUBA Diver!

Private course dives

Students in a private course can select from any of the standard specialties.  There is also a great deal of flexibility when completing specialty dives on one of our group trips.  Ask your instructor or trip leader for more details.

Scheduling Options

 Standard or Private?
Standard courses normally take approximately most of the day both Saturday and Sunday

Have a difficult schedule or would you just prefer to work one-on-one with your Instructor?  That's easy enough.  We will create a private class for you and your Instructor on a schedule that is convenient for you.

Course Dives

The standard course schedule is one weekend. Classes will meet at either the shop or at the dive site. Your instructor will give you detailed information about when and where to meet.

The usual dives that we do in a standard course include 5 of the following:
  • Peak Performance Buoyancy
  • Underwater Navigation
  • Night Dive
  • Deep Dive
  • Search and Recovery
  • Wreck Dive
Your instructor will provide the list of dives for the class. Each dive corresponds to a chapter in the Adventures in Diving manual. Remember to complete chapter 1: Thinking Like a Diver!



Includes 5 dives
1 Weekend



Includes 5 dives
Custom schedule

Popular Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • How much time do we spend in the classroom?

    This class is all about diving so there is very little classroom time.  You will complete a knowledge review for each of your 5 dives which you will go over in class but there are not any quizzes or exams!

  • If I want a private class to choose my own dives, which dives are required?

    The Deep and Navigation dives are required.  We highly recommend the Buoyancy dive since this is a very important still that can take a while to master. 

  • How deep will I be rated to when I have my Advanced certification?

    Divers who are 15yrs or older will be certified down to 100 feet.  If you are 12-14 yrs old, you'll be certified down to 70 feet.

  • I’ve been diving for 20 years and never needed my Advanced certification, why take it now?

    You may be surprised what you may learn!  But also some resorts are now requiring an Advanced Open Water certification before taking you on certain dives.

  • I just finished my Open Water class, shouldn’t I get some dives in before my Advanced Open Water class?

    The Advanced Open Water class is designed to be taken as soon as you complete your Open Water certification so no additional dives are required.  This will give you a chance to get  more comfortable in the water before venturing out on your own.


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